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Dirt Bike Maui

This is a student project, not an actual business. Though it may become a reality in the future.


Hunter Avichouser is 14. He dirtbikes, surf's, and does other water sports. He only recently started ditbiking and has only been 5 or 6 times. Despite that, he is a fast learner and is a very good rider. He always rides with his friend Jacob Despins.


Jacob despins is 15. He rides dirt bikes, hunts, and fishes. He's been riding dirt bikes for a year and is an intermediate rider and aslo a good teacher.

Dirt Bike Maui

Hunter Avichouser

Jacob Despins

 $450 per person 

rent go pro- $80


 We only take about four people per ride a day.

We will provide snacks and water before the ride. The ride will be at least 6-7 hours.

Children under the age of 17 must have a permission slip filled out by the parent.



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